sabato 13 febbraio 2016

Raspbian 2016-02-03


Risultati immagini per raspberry piRaspbian

Raspbian è un sistema operativo libero basato su Debian GNU/Linux e ottimizzato per l’hardware del Raspberry Pi (architettura armhf). Raspbian fornisce oltre 35.000 pacchetti, o software precompilato in una forma che semplifica l’installazione sul Raspberry Pi.

Versione 2016-02-03

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):
New versions of applications
There are new versions of many of the standard applications.

Sonic Pi is now at version 2.9. A full list of changes can be found in the History section of the Info window in Sonic Pi, but the highlights include two new effects functions, a new logging system, and the inclusion of all of Sam Aaron’s articles for The Magpi magazine as part of the online tutorials.
Scratch is now at version 20160115. This has improved sound input capabilities, support for the CamJam EduKit 3 robotics board, basic PWM support in the GPIO server, and various improvements to the display, including font scaling.
Mathematica is now at version 10.3. This adds support for a larger set of the functionality detailed in Stephen Wolfram’s new “Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language” book. It also supports the use of the Sense HAT, adds interfacing to Arduino, and includes many new Mathematica functions.
Node-RED is now at version 12.5 – this adds no significant new functionality, but fixes a number of bugs and contains some internal performance improvements.
New versions of libraries
WiringPi has been updated to version 2.31, which allows GPIO pins to be accessed from applications that use the library without needing to use sudo. For more details, see the WiringPi website.
The RPi.GPIO Python library has been updated to version 0.6.1 which includes some bug fixes which affected the new GPIO Zero library.
The Java platform included has been updated to version 8, update 65.
Bug fixes
The volume/audio device icon on the taskbar is now compatible with a wider range of USB audio devices – people reported that it was impossible to set some USB sound devices as the default output. Due to the way the ALSA system works, it is very difficult to make this completely infallible, but the new version should work with a much wider selection of devices than before.
The Main Menu editor now allows new menus to be created. In earlier versions, due to an issue with the way the LXDE desktop environment interpreted its configuration files, creating a new menu caused all other menus to be hidden – this should now work correctly.
The GUI Raspberry Pi Configuration and command-line raspi-config applications now offer the correct overclocking options on all Pi 1, Pi 2 and Pi Zero boards. There are also some updated language translations submitted by the community – many thanks to the translators!
The Wastebasket is now consistently named as such everywhere when the desktop is set to British English. (It previously had a wide selection of names in different places, including Trash and Rubbish Bin…)
The ping command no longer requires sudo.


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Raspbian 2016-02-03
Raspbian 2016-02-03

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